Nõiutud (Enchanted, USA, 2007)

Tänu Pinterestist leitud pildile ja tänu sellele vaadatud trailerile ma selle filmi leidsin ja kuna seal mängivad minu kaks lemmikut Patrick Dempsey ja James Marsden, siis miks mitte?

Directed: Kevin Lima
Produced: Barry Josephson, Barry Sonnenfeld
Written: Bill Kelly
Starring: Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden, Timothy Spall, Idina Menzel, Susan Sarandon
Narrated: Julie Andrews
Music: Alan Menken
Cinematography: Don Burgess
Edited: Gregory Perler, Stephen A. Rotter
Production company: Walt Disney Pictures, Josephson Entertainment
Distributed: Walt Disney Studios, Motion Pictures
Release dates: October 20, 2007 (London Film Festival), November 21, 2007 (United States)
Running time: 107 minutes
Country: United States
Language: English
Budget: $85 million
Box office: $340.5 million

Film algab joonisfilmiga, kus Andalasias elab prints, kes otsib tõelist armastust ja üks neiu, kes samuti igatseb armastuse järele. Ainuke asi mis on halvasti on valitsev kuninganna Narissa, kes teeb kõik et tema kasupojast Prints Edward kunagi ei leiaks tõelist armastust. Kuid ühel saatuslikul päeval Prints Edward ja tüdruk nimega Giselle kohtuvad, nad armuvad ja plaanivad koheselt abielluda.

Narissa näeb seda kõike pealt ning muudab ennast vanaks eideks ning juhib Giselle tähelepanu eemale, just siis kui too on teel oma pulma. Narissa kukutab Giselle kaevu ning too jõuab läbi selle Maa peale New York Citysse Time Squerile. Samal ajal valmistub lahutusadvokaat Robert oma kauaaegsele tüdruksõbrale Nancyle abieluettepanekut tegema, kuigi see et isa kohtub Nancyga ei meeldi Roberti 6-aastasele tütrele MOrganile. Sel õhtul näeb Morgan Giselle ning juhib isa tähelepanu ka temale. Robert jõuab napilt GIselle kinni püüda kui too kõrgelt kukuma hakkab. Robert tahab naise minema saata kuid Morgan palub et isa lubaks naisel nende juurde ööseks jääda.

Pip, Giselle koopaoravast sõber Andalasiast, nägi mis Gisellega juhtus ja teatab sellest Edwardile kes tormab koheselt oma printsessi päästma. Nii püüabki Edward leida suurest New Yorkist Gisellet, teadmata et Narissa on saatnud oma käsilase Nathanieli nende kohtumist takistama ja Nathaniel peab saama Giselle sööma mürgist õuna, kuid igakord segatakse vahele. Samas püüab Nathaniel lahti saada Pip’st kes püüab aga Edwardile selgeks teha et Nathaniel on Gisellega juhtunus osaline.

Giselle uurib Robertilt tema suhte kohta Nancyga ning Robert ei suuda uskuda et Giselle on valmis Edwardiga abielluma, kui teab meest ainult ühe päeva. Nad saavad kutse ballile ning Narissa otsustab ise kohale tulla, kuna Nathanielil ei õnnestunud Giselle mürgitada.

Mida rohkem aega RObert ja Giselle koos veedavad, seda enam nad teineteisele meeldima hakkavad. Edward aga otsib endiselt Giselle ning lõpuks õnnestub tal ta leida Roberti korterist. Edward tahab Giselle kohe koju viia ja abielluda, kuid Giselle tahab mehega kohtingule minna, sest ta ei ole enam oma tunnetes Edwardi vastu kindel. Giselle ja Edward lähevad tollele ballile ning seal on ka Robert ja Nancy. Robert viib Nancy tantsima ning Robert Giselle, kuid nähes kuidas need viimased kaks tantsivad, muutuvad Nancy ja Edward ettevaatlikuks. Peole saabub ka Narissa kes suudab Gisellele viimase mürgitatud õuna sisse sööta.

Robert mõistab et GIselle suudab päästa ainult tõelise armastuse suudlus ning Edward suudleb Giselle kuid naine ei ava silmi. Robert proovib ka ja Giselle avab silmad kui kell lööb 12. Narissa kasutab juhust ja saab vabaks ning muutun suureks siniseks draakoniks. Robert ei lase Narissal Gisellele midagi teha ja Narissa võtab Roberti pantvangi. Giselle võtab Edwardi mõõga ja tormab Robertit päästma. Nad jõuavad Woolworthi maja katusele ning Gisellel õnnestub Narissast jagu saada ning Robert päästa. Samal ajal aitab Edward Nancyle kinga jalga ning leiavad et nad meeldivad teineteisele ning naasevad koos Andalasiasse.

Nancy ja Robert abielluvad, Giselle lööb püsti eduka moefirma ning elab õnnelikult koos Roberti ja Morganiga ning Nathanielist saab New Yorkis edukas kirjanik, samal ajal saab Pip’st Andalasia edukaim kirjanik.

Giselle: True love kiss
Robert: True love kiss?
Giselle: It’s the most poweful thing in the world
Robert: Right

Robert: How long have they been here?
Sam: Do you really wanna know?
Rrobert: No I don’t

Sam: What you want me to do?
Robert: Find out where shes coming from and get her there, and make sure it’s cheap, cause I have to pay for it

Edward: I’ve been dreaming of true love kiss..
Robert: He sings too..

Prince Edward: Magic Mirror. I beg you. Tell me where she is!
Mary Ilene Caselotti: Reporting from 116th and Broadway.
Prince Edward: One hundred and sixteenth and Broadway! Thank you mirror!

Giselle: Why are you staring at me?
Robert: I don’t know. It’s just that… it’s like you escaped from a Hallmark card or something.
Giselle: Is that a bad thing?

Prince Edward: Have you any last words before I dispatch you?
Robert: You have got to be kidding me!
Prince Edward: Strange words!

Giselle: What about you and Nancy? You know that you will live happily ever after.
Robert: I don’t know if I’ll make it through today, let alone a lifetime. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. It’s complicated.
Giselle: But it doesn’t have to be. Not if she knows.
Robert: Knows what?
Giselle: How much you really love her.
Robert: Of course she does. We just don’t talk about it every minute of the day, but she knows.
Giselle: How?
Robert: What do you mean, “how?”
Giselle: How does she know…
Robert: No, don’t.
Giselle: You love her? / How does she know…
Robert: People look-looking.
Giselle: She’s yours?
Robert: Don’t sing. It’s OK, you know. Let’s just walk. Can we walk?
Giselle: Well, does she?
Robert: Yeah.

Morgan Philip: Remember, when you go out not to put too much makeup otherwise the boys will get the wrong idea and you know how they are… They’re only after one thing.
Giselle: What’s that?
Morgan Philip: I don’t know. Nobody will tell me.

Robert: Would you like me to call someone for you?
Giselle: I don’t think they would hear you from here.

Arty: Let me guess. You’re looking for a beautiful girl, too?
Nathaniel: No, actually, I’m looking for a prince.
Arty: Riiiight.

Prince Edward: It seems as if this box controls the Magic Mirror.

Giselle: Nobody has been very nice to me.
Robert: Yeah, well, welcome to New York.
Giselle: Thank you.

Sam: She has no driver’s license, no passport, I can’t even find this place she comes from.
Robert: What place?
Sam: Andalusia.
Robert: Andalasia.
Sam: Whatever. I’ve called every travel agent, every airline. I’m not sure if it’s a country or a city.

Giselle: I was just thinking.
Prince Edward: Think-ing?
Giselle: Before we leave, there’s one thing I would love to do.
Prince Edward: Well, name it my love, and it is done.
Giselle: I want to go on a date.
Prince Edward: A date! What’s a date?

Giselle: Is this a habit of yours? Falling off of stuff?
Robert: Only when you’re there to catch me.

Nathaniel: Sire, do you like yourself?
Prince Edward: What’s not to like?

Robert: Now she thinks that you and I…
Giselle: Kissed?
Robert: Yeah, something like that.

Robert: So, what’s the deal with this prince of yours? How long you been together?
Giselle: Oh, about a day.
Robert: You mean it feels like a day because you’re so in love.
Giselle: No, it’s been a day.
Robert: You’re kidding me. A day? One day?
Giselle: Yes. And tomorrow it will be two days.
Robert: You’re joking.
Giselle: No. I’m not.
Robert: Yeah, you are.
Giselle: But I’m not.
Robert: You’re gonna marry somebody after a day? Because you fell in love with him?
Giselle: Yes.

Giselle: I’m surprised. You said you couldn’t dance.
Robert: I said I didn’t. I never said I couldn’t.

May: I think you’re a hopeless romantic who’s discovered that romance is hopeless.

Prince Edward: Fear not, Giselle! I will rescue you!
Pip in Andalasia: Yeah, but who’s gonna rescue MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?

Giselle: Does she miss her terribly?
Robert: Miss who?
Giselle: Her mother.
Robert: Um, well, we just…
Giselle: What?
Robert: We don’t talk about it.
Giselle: Oh. I’m very sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.
Robert: No, no, no, it’s okay. It’s just, um… I don’t talk about it. To Morgan or to anybody.
Giselle: Because it was very sad?
Robert: Not at first.
Giselle: You were in love.
Robert: Yeah. That was the problem.

10/8 (Päris huvitav ja naljakas 😀 ja Patrick on nii ilus näitleja.. okei James on ka 😀 )

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