Hawaii kelmid ja pühakud (The Big Bounce, USA, 2004)

Olen seda filmi vist isegi enne näinud, see lõpp tundus kuidagi tuttav…

Directed: George Armitage
Produced: George Armitage, Steve Bing
Written: Sebastian Gutierrez, Elmore Leonard (novel)
Starring: Owen Wilson, Charlie Sheen, Morgan Freeman, Sara Foster
Music: George S. Clinton
Cinematography: Jeffrey L. Kimball
Edited: Barry Malkin
Production company: Shangri-La Entertainment
Distributed: Warner Bros.
Release dates: January 30, 2004
Running time: 88 minutes
Language: English
Budget: $50 million
Box office: $6,808,550

Jack Ryan on varas, kes ründas Lou Harrist pesapallikurikaga. Harris on aga Hawaii ehituse korrupeerunud miljonärist juhi Ray Ritchie alluv. Politsei ja Ritchie parem käsi, Bob Rogers Jr, käsivad aga Jackil saarelt lahkuda.

Kuid Judge Walterile hakkab Jack aina enam meeldima ja ta pakub mehele tehingut, teha väike tööots Hawaiil suvemajakeses, mida Ritchie omab.

Ritchie petab aga oma naist palju noorema neiu Nancy Hayesiga, kes samuti jääb Jackile silma. Judge hoiatab et talle meeldivad kriminaalid ning kedagi ei tohi usaldada. Nancy ja Jack murravad lõbupärast majadesse ning neil tekib plaan röövida Ritchilt 200 000 dollarit. Harris ja Rogers püüavad aga  Jackile käru keerata ning selgub et selles mängus ei saa Jack mitte kedagi usaldada…

Walter Crewes: God is just an imaginary friend for grown ups.

Jack Ryan: Have a little faith in people. Not God, cause he’s just an imaginary friend for grown ups.
Frank Pizzarro: What the hell’s that supposed to mean?
Jack Ryan: I don’t know.

Frank Pizzarro: What is this?
Jack Ryan: What’s what?
Frank Pizzarro: Dude, this is $200. You said we made six.
Jack Ryan: Right, yeah, but $200 is your cut, cause that’s the going rate for hiding in the truck.

Bob Rogers, Jr.: You trying to be cute?
Walter Crewes: Now, Junior, who can be cute with you around?
Bob Rogers, Jr.: This is company business, Walter.
Walter Crewes: Does he work for you?
Bob Rogers, Jr.: No, but we paid him off and he agreed to leave.

Jack Ryan: Are you serious? You really wanna box?
Nancy Hayes: If I win, you show me how to steal a car. If you win, I do whatever you want. Put em up!
Jack Ryan: You grow up on a marine base?
Nancy Hayes: Don’t use the, “I’ve never hit a girl” excuse.
Jack Ryan: I’ve never hit a girl. Don’t be hitting me in my head when I’m not looking. You just awakened a sleeping giant.

Nancy Hayes: I dropped out of high school, took a trip to Hollywood, went broke, came home, and hostessed at a strip club.
Jack Ryan: Everybody hostesses, nobody strips.

Frank Pizzarro: Harris says I know where you’re hiding.
Jack Ryan: First of all, I’m not really hiding. Second of all, you would never tell him where I was hiding because you’re my friend, right?

Walter Crewes: Well, what are you doing sneaking around here?
Jack Ryan: I’m not sneaking around. No, I was just thinking. Sometimes when I’m thinking it looks like I’m sneaking.

Nancy Hayes: I know it wasn’t just about me. Was it?
Jack Ryan: No. Come on. Those paintings on the wall could fetch a pretty penny in the right circles.
Nancy Hayes: Jack, we don’t know anybody in the right circles!
Jack Ryan: I know plenty of people in plenty of circles.

Walter Crewes: Sometimes things are exactly as they seem.

10/7 (Mitte just minu lemmik.. kuigi lõpp oli hea..)

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